Physical Therapy FAQs: Part 2

Posted on: November 20th, 2015 by Horizon Rehab Blogger
Learn even more about what to expect when you receive physical therapy at Horizon Rehab.

Learn even more about what to expect when you receive physical therapy at Horizon Rehab.


Last month, we brought you some of the common questions we hear from patients at Horizon Rehab as they begin their physical therapy. In order to make sure you are as prepared as possible for your therapy, we thought we’d provide answers to a few more of your questions about how we handle your therapy at Horizon Rehab.

What Do I need to Prepare for During My First Visit?

Your first session at Horizon Rehab usually takes about an hour. The first thing we will do is make sure all of your paperwork is taken care of. You can speed up that process by having all the necessary forms completed before you come in. The forms you need to bring to your first appointment include:

  • You’re referral form if you’ve been referred from a doctor.
  • Insurance provider information, including your insurance card.
  • Your claim number and case manager’s contact information if you’re receiving Workers’ Compensation.
  • Any information pertaining to your auto insurance provider or attorney lien if you’re receiving coverage from these sources.

During your first visit, you’ll also meet your physical therapist who will help develop your program. Your PT will also perform a series of tests designed to determine areas of pain, range of motion, posture problems and muscle strength.

How will my Physical Therapy Impact Other Treatments I’m Receiving?

Generally, your treatment at Horizon Rehab is most effective when our staff has direct control over your care. For example, if you’re receiving care from a chiropractor and a physical therapist at Horizon Rehab, it may not be clear which treatment interventions are contributing to your results, which can actually delay the progress of your recovery.

Horizon Rehab has the answers you need to make sure you’re therapy is as successful as possible. Contact us to learn more about the physical therapy programs we offer.


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